
關於我的二三事信箱。留言隨手貼臉書粉絲頁(aNobii 太爛了所以舊書架現已停止更新)。
聊書聊電影的 podcast「連連看」(另在 Castbox 可以找到連連看之前的舊集數)。


The grand corral

Round them up
Round them up
The weak, the lost, the downtrodden
Their voices muted and stolen
Invisibility too visible all of a sudden
Break them, bind them, brand them
To shelter and to slaughter
The present crushing a future
Of which they know nothing and shall have none
Wretched beasts that they are
Wandering pieces of wilderness
Blemishes on the face of the earth
So round them up
For such is our burden and birthright
We the keeper of our brother
We the guardian and prison guard
Water cannon them, tase them, why not
Galvanized by righteous hysteria
We ride high, whip in hand
While our fear roams free
Releasing the hounds
To return always in time
For next Utopian stampede

* 原來我們已經來到這樣的時代。
