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聊書聊電影的 podcast「連連看」(另在 Castbox 可以找到連連看之前的舊集數)。


A mass lullaby

What a fine day, oh how bright the sun
As if no one should grief
No one should die today
Yet the tombs are there waiting
Their headstones blank and staring
Into our faces of mindless pain
And endlessly we look on
Shedding diamond tears, screaming for blood
Of those who are sick
Who are poor
Who speak a strange language
Who walk a different walk
We are not they, but we are all
Know all, see all
If God exists we are His deputy
If He doesn't we're the next best thing
Swift, blunt and angry
A perfect trinity
Thus nothing's forgiven and everything forgotten
While we march onward
Basking in the shine of our heart of gold
Like so many children of the blinding sun
So savage
So divine



人一旦過了某個年紀真的很可怕,回過神來會忽然發現自己涉及、提及或憶及的各種人事物動輒以十年為單位起跳,連魔獸世界台灣都赫然在去年底挺進十周年--話說 AFK Pl@yers 不是才剛推出過八周年的紀念影片《卡拉達爾的夏夜》不久嗎(記得跟精彩的 Blizzcon 2013 亞軍作品《力量谷的清晨》對照參看),怎麼一下子就十年了?!(對鏡撫臉,朝如青絲暮成雪……)

身為魔獸老玩家以及 AFK 多年鐵粉,我非常開心也非常榮幸再度參與了這回十周年的華麗企劃,在超級專業無敵堅強的團隊裡軋上小小一腳,使出渾身解數將歌詞內容翻譯成合轍押韻甚至可以跟著旋律唱的英文,畢竟這可是音樂劇,音樂劇耶!!一共五幕的精彩內容終於在今天完結灑花,有笑有淚充滿回憶,絕對餘音繞樑蕩氣迴腸,就在這裡一網打盡溫故知新吧!

AFK PL@YERS 作品【艾澤拉斯之歌】
(點圖直接進入 Youtube 影片連結,以下圖片皆盜自 AFK 臉書粉絲團

Act 1 你就是超重要

Act 2 還記得第一次

Act 3 只要你掉寶

Act 4 戰場就是我的家

Act 5 反派,有你真好