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聊書聊電影的 podcast「連連看」(另在 Castbox 可以找到連連看之前的舊集數)。


A mass lullaby

What a fine day, oh how bright the sun
As if no one should grief
No one should die today
Yet the tombs are there waiting
Their headstones blank and staring
Into our faces of mindless pain
And endlessly we look on
Shedding diamond tears, screaming for blood
Of those who are sick
Who are poor
Who speak a strange language
Who walk a different walk
We are not they, but we are all
Know all, see all
If God exists we are His deputy
If He doesn't we're the next best thing
Swift, blunt and angry
A perfect trinity
Thus nothing's forgiven and everything forgotten
While we march onward
Basking in the shine of our heart of gold
Like so many children of the blinding sun
So savage
So divine

2 則留言:

walkwoman 提到...


Unknown 提到...

